That led to a whole list of anger words: rage, wrath, fury, ire, indignation, offended, stress, frustration, agitated, upset, vexed, irked, dislike, annoyed, bothered, peeved, etc. Then, working with the men and boys about this list of& ...
list of emotional words
U. SHEFFIELD (UK) — Other than fear, words about emotions have steadily decreased in books throughout the last century, say researchers. ... The list of words was divided into six categories (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise) previously used by a co-author Vasileios Lampos, from the University of Sheffield`s department of computer science and the Natural Language Processing Group, to detect contemporary mood changes in public opinion as expressed& ...
However, those who struggle with language, another frequent symptom in autism, may be unable to pick the word for the correct emotion from a multiple-choice list even if they recognize the emotion. The new test instead& ...
Intellectual words don`t do that. They make you sound smarter. They also make you sound boring. What would you add to the intellectual/emotional word list? If you enjoyed this, you might also like: 6 writer`s tricks for grabbing& ...
That led to a whole list of anger words: rage, wrath, fury, ire, indignation, offended, stress, frustration, agitated, upset, vexed, irked, dislike, annoyed, bothered, peeved, etc. Then, working with the men and boys about this list of& ...
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